Professor Epaminondas J. Paplomatas (Member) is a Professor in the laboratory of Plant Pathology and (from 2010 until now) Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Personnel at the Agricultural University of Athens. He has a Bs/Msc degree from the Agricultural University of Athens and a PhD in Plant Pathology from the University of California, Davis, U.S.A. He has over twenty-five years’ experience in Plant Pathology and Biotechnology of plant pathogenic microorganisms with special interest in biological control of soilborne pathogens and plant-pathogen interactions. He is the author of 59 refereed papers (h-index=18, 1005 citations excluding self-citations of all authors), 18 full conference papers and over 180 conference abstracts of oral and poster presentations in international and national meetings. He has been the scientific coordinator of 26 competitive and 21 national projects funded by the EU or National Organizations. He has participated in 60 international and 30 national congresses, group meetings and workshops. He has been invited speaker in 19 conferences, has chaired 6 sessions and he has served as member of scientific and/or organizing committees (in national and international conferences). He is member of the Verticillium International Steering Committee and he has been member of the scientific and organizing committee of the 10th International Verticillium Symposium, 16-20 November 2009, Corfu, Greece and the of XVI International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, July 6 - 10, Rhodes, Greece. He has reviewed over 60 articles for peer reviewed scientific journals and he is senior editor of Phytopathologia Mediterranea journal. He has been the recipient of the following awards: The Dennis H. Hall Award, Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis, June 1991; Nonresident Tuition Fee Fellowship, University of California, Davis, Fall 1989; Fulbright Scholarship, The Fulbright Foundation, Athens, Greece, 1987-1988 academic year; Academic Performance Scholarship, The National Scholarships Foundation, Athens, Greece, 1978-1979 academic year. He has visited for scientific and educational purposes the following organizations: Wageningen University-the Netherlands, Institute ?f Sustainable Agriculture-CSIC Cordoba Spain, Yunnan Academy of Forestry-China, Dipartimento di Biologia e Patologia Vegetale of Universita degli Studi di Bari-Italy, Research Unit Glasshouse Horticulture of Applied Plant Research Institute-Naaldwijk the Netherlands, Servicio de Investigacion Agroalimentaria Zaragoza-Spain, Institut National de la Resherche Agronomique-Dijon Spain, Catholic University of Leuven-Belgium, Uppsala Genetics Center at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Horticultural Research Laboratory at Vero Beach Florida-USA, Pennsylvania State University-USA, Olive Tree Institute-Sfax Tunisia, University of Algarve-Faro Portugal, University of Tuscia-Viterbo Italy. He is member of the following scientific societies: American Phytopathological Society, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, The Hellenic Phytopathological Society, Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, The Hellenic Society for Biotechnology.